3rd Street

The Abe Vigoda Building on 3rd Street is the base of operations for the 3rd Street Crew (1st floor), the Biskit Boys (2nd floor), Crustacean Nation (3rd floor), and the School of Glock (4th floor).

The Frank Stallone Building across the street is the headquarters of the Breakfast Cult. Learn more about these groups below…

3rd Street Crew

Leader of the Crimefighting division of 3rd Street. His last name is Heffer. He’s not a cow.

Powers/Abilities: superhuman strength and durability, can leap up to a half-mile, can increase his physical density and weight up to two tons for a short time.

Hype man on the music side, strategist on the crimefighting side.

Powers/Abilities: Expert in Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai Kickboxing. Fluent in seven languages, including ASL.

Team combat trainer.

Powers/Abilities: Harnesses the power of light and darkness. Can travel through shadows and hurl bursts of light energy. Has superhuman reflexes and agility. Martial arts master.

Half marine, half dairy product. Heads up all travel missions.

Powers/Abilities: expert marksman and hand-to-hand combatant.

Musician, composer

Powers/Abilities: Master of every weapon and musical instrument. Possesses a magical axe.

Head of security for concerts and events. Undead bakery good. Loves the 80s.

Powers/Abilities: Can create multiple clones of himself.

Expert spacecraft pilot and multiverse traveler.

Powers/Abilities: Best pilot in the known multiverse. He slips his flippers into mechanical arms when he needs the use of hands. Expert mechanic and part-time inventor.

Defender of the Galaxy & owner of Galactic Pizza Emporium.

Powers/Abilities: armored spacesuit gives him increased strength, flight, scanners, radar, lasers, and interdimensional travel.

Wizard, and will cut you.

Powers/Abilities: trained in the mystic arts. Uses a dagger instead of a wand to cast spells, and sometimes decides to just slice an enemy up when needed due to her extensive training in Silat.

Martial artist, hype man.

Powers/Abilities: black belt in karate, tae kwon do, and a purple belt in jiu-jitsu. Wears a protective helmet.

He’s a spaceship.

Powers/Abilities: He’s a spaceship, just smaller.

3rd Street Dancer.

Powers/Abilities: excellent swimmer.

He can dig it.

Powers/Abilities: empath and emotional control. Can manipulate emotions through the power of music.

3rd Street Dancer, loves cats.

Powers/Abilities: superhuman strength, can fly with his rocket boots, can summon a legion of cats to fight beside him.

Producer and event coordinator, Sith Lord with rizz.

Powers/Abilities: telekinesis, danger sense, healing powers.


Powers/Abilities: can fly, teleport, turn invisible, phase through objects, and create small items out of nowhere like hats, guitars, umbrellas, grenades, etc.

Demon. Lyricist. Motivational Speaker.

Powers/Abilities: flight, supernatural strength, invulnerability, can survive in space, at the bottom of the sea, and at Denny’s.

Martian. MC. MMA Fighter.

Powers/Abilities: expert hand-to-hand combatant, has nearly perfect aim.

DJ. Dinosaur. Action Figure Collector.

Powers/Abilities: He’s an immortal T-Rex.


Powers/Abilities: Has a high-tech helmet & cool utility belt.

3rd Street Dancer

Powers/Abilities: can launch himself at opponents. Unbreakable bones and skin. Poor memory.

The Biskit Boys

The Boys!



Biker and a bit unhinged.

You know.

Pete is also a member of Crustacean Nation.

Singer/Songwriter. Gives new meaning to the saying, “Punk never dies.”

Crustacean Nation

Leader of Crustacean Nation.

Chris Station & Davis Station, Wrestling Tag Team.

Manager of Crustaceans of Domination.

Him again. Not to be confused with the Pete with the helmet.

He’s really sneaky.

He’s really grumpy.

DJ and master chef.

The Vigilante Bud Johnson in Lobster Mode.

The record label

Tim: Good Boy — Carl: Bad Boy

School of Glock

Online Music Critic and Leader of the School of Glock, an entirely legitimate organization totally not involved with crime in any way.

Virtually indestructible and no one knows why.

Gill-T & C-Lyfe are the head generals of the Fish Army.

The Breakfast Cult

Also known as the Time Cult, depending on where in the multiverse you are. Great at making breakfast & summoning elder gods.
Bad at time travel.



The 13th President of the United States

Powers/Abilities: indestructible, immortal killing machine. Lasers, bombs, more lasers, flamethrowers, wild spinning blades of doom, etc. Randomly appears to wreak havoc and then leaves.

Bill has no group affiliation. Bill needs no group affiliation.

Powers/Abilities: He’s a bear and he will punch you. He can also manipulate reality on the microscopic level via dark magic, but only uses that power if you make him angry.

Don’t make Bill angry.