The Three Pillars

This is the basis of my martial arts journey, and, when my head is functioning properly, my life in general.

Martial arts is art, which is why it’s in the name. Art is communication, self-expression, and creativity. Over time, a life-long practitioner takes the fundamentals learned and their martial art becomes their own, based on both their personality and physical/emotional strengths and weaknesses. Running a kata or competing in a tournament is akin to the brush strokes of a painter finishing a portrait.

Martial arts is science, at least when one’s martial arts training is focused on practical, logical methods and techniques designed for efficiency. The human body only moves in certain ways. Understanding the biomechanics of the body and physics in general gives a practitioner a greater chance at success in self-defense or sport combat, as well as improve and maintain their health.

Martial arts is philosophy, and while personal views may differ, martial arts training that lacks a cognitive component lacks a reason behind the training. Martial arts functions with the paradox of learning violence to maintain peace, and, in my estimation, each practitioner needs to reconcile their training with their worldview. Martial arts has a deep history from which we can learn, and having a rational basis for why we train will help us become greater martial artists.

And as I said, this triad of art, science, and philosophy serves as the basis of my life in general, though I don’t always apply the principles consistently. 

Life should consist of creativity and expression. That’s one reason why I started learning how to create music. Life should be lived according to logic and reason. The better we are able to think and apply critical thinking, the greater our odds of living a quality life. And each of us has a worldview. Everyone is a philosopher. The only question is how good we are at doing philosophy. 

As Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.”

Author: Bud Johnson

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