Self-Titled Track

Self-Titled Track by GhostofSocrates

This video is partially blocked on YouTube because of some Hulk Hogan footage I used near the end. My apologies to Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Maldives, Bangladesh, Russia, Bhutan, and Afghanistan for not being able to watch it on YouTube. You can watch it here instead.

And while I’m here, I’d like to explain more about what the GhostofSocrates brand is about. It’s a reference to the spirit (the attitude and vision) of the Socratic Method. Questions are good. They help us seek knowledge and truth. Questions help us learn something new. For the past year, I’ve been slowly learning more about music theory. I posted my first beat on YouTube eight months ago. Six months ago I started learning the guitar.

I’m not doing any of this for money. I’m doing it for fun and for the love of music and passion for creativity. It means a lot to me, even when I’m dressed like a lobster and jump kicking Hulk Hogan in the face.

Author: Bud Johnson

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