Treating the Symptoms

My Facebook feed has been full of people condemning the riots but staying silent on the murderers and the systematic oppression that led to the riots.

Why can’t they protest peacefully?”

Every attempt at peaceful protest has been met with criticism and scorn. And there has been no change to the system that allows for the murders to continue.

Of course riots aren’t good, but it’s important to try to see things through the eyes of the people who have been affected by the murders – murders which themselves are just one part of the larger problem black people face on a daily basis.

Everyone has a breaking point.

Given the context of the situation, when there’s a choice between condemning the rioters or condemning the murderers who have taken so many lives needlessly, the choice should always be to condemn the murderers. They are the real problem here.

Condemning the rioters rather than the murders is an attempt to treat the symptoms while ignoring the disease.

Author: Bud Johnson

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